I'm finally getting around to Part 2 of Lady's birthday celebration. I've been reminded on a couple occasions that I haven't finished blogging about it. I'll add a little bit to Friday night then move right along into Saturday's events.
Here is more of Lady soaking up the attention.
Jessica cuddled up to the birthday girl.
Jessica really likes Uncle Steve. She actually prefers him over me (and she really likes me).

Nathan performed for Lady just like he said he was going to. He wouldn't sing "Happy Birthday" to her, but instead he sang his own song that he wrote on the spot while he played the drums. It went something like this:
Nathan performed for Lady just like he said he was going to. He wouldn't sing "Happy Birthday" to her, but instead he sang his own song that he wrote on the spot while he played the drums. It went something like this:
It's not your birthday. [as he looked at each non-birthday person]
It's not your birthday.
It's not your birthday.
It's Lady's birthday.
If it's not your birthday,
Then just wait your turn.
Quite the party.

What's a party without a good brawl? I bet Kathryn learned her lesson not to carry Jessica's water sippy cup to her while carrying her own juice cup. Jessica's no fool. She knows Kathryn's sippy cups have a splash of juice and she keeps a lookout for them each and every time they're together.
When the party got too wild for Steve he worked on his tiling project.
We all crashed after an amazing party and woke up refreshed and ready for an extremely busy Saturday. Paw-Paw and Lady took the the grandkids to the pumpkin patch for some festive fun.
There was a petting zoo there.
Nathan was probably wondering where all the big animals were for him to go lay on and roll around in the hay with like he used to do at Old MacDonald's Farm in South Dakota. (Actually all those trips to Old Mac's Farm were a waste because he doesn't even remember that place. I showed him pictures and he was amazed and thought it looked like fun and he would like to try it out again.)

I wonder what Kathryn's bossy pointer finger is trying to tell that poor goat. I bet Mace knows. She's always waving that finger at him.
Too bad Kathryn never got the chance to visit Old Mac's Farm. She would have loved it.
Paw-Paw probably enjoyed the pumpkin patch considering there were all sorts of photo opportunities.
Thankfully they came home with small pumpkins that I don't have to do anything with. Carving pumpkins isn't my thing. Handing out candy sucks bad too, but if you've ever seen our new house you know the entire house is either french doors or windows. There is no hiding out and pretending like we're not home here.

Then it was back home for a little while before they headed out on their next adventure.
I need to warn Nathan of the dangers of riding a bike in front of Uncle Joe. He might stick a stick in his spokes and send him flying off over the handlebars like he did to our neighbor kid when we were little.

We've got some Nathan photography.
Cute picture of Jessica, courtesy of Nathan.
Spending relaxing afternoon on the front porch before it was time to head off to the Mullet Festival.

Kathryn missed out on the Mullet Festival with Paw-Paw and Lady because she was napping, but Nate and Jess had fun.
Nathan definitely had fun there, ice cream and Uncle Joe. He would be happy anywhere with that combination.
Paw-Paw rode the rides with Nathan. All you can see of Nathan is a little blonde head barely above the door.
I hate to leave you in suspense, but that's not even all of Lady's birthday adventures. I'm so tired right now that I wouldn't be able to do the real birthday adventure justice! Look for more in the days to come!
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