Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dentist Recommended, Mommy Approved

What is the one thing that every 15 month old kid needs? If your answer wasn't a battery powered toothbrush that plays U Can't Touch This, then you're not up to speed with today's youth.
I thought that toothbrush was worthy of the top spot in today's blog. Now on with the rest of his day.

Nathan and I enjoyed a relaxing breakfast on his patio table again this morning.
After breakfast we did a little reading. He sits and listens to me read this book with a look of anticipation because he knows at the end Elmo pops up and we get to say "Soooo Big!"   
Nathan got a new airplane today, just like Daddy flies.
Okay, maybe there are a few minor differences.
He had to earn that new airplane by helping me sweep the back patio.
It's a vicious cycle, I sweep then he plays in the dirt and I have to brush him off before he comes inside.
Uncle Joe, here is the rose bush you planted when you lived here. It's still going strong thanks to Nathan's TLC.


  1. Looks like Nathan is going to have a love of roses like Great Grandma Gerken. As usual, the pictures are precious and adorable. Love, Grandma H.

  2. Wow that rose bush looks good! It looks like Nathan likes it too.
