Nathan and I didn't waste any time getting back into the swing of things in Rapid City. First stop, Old MacDonald's Farm. I don't know if farm animals are color blind, but for their sake lets hope so because if not, those poor animals were forced to look at Nathan's awesome new orange Reeboks. If they weren't blind before, they are now. In case you couldn't tell, I did a little shopping during my day trip to Tennessee. One day Nathan is going to look back at these pictures and be like, "What the ..........?!?!" This is just the beginning of Nathan's shoe show. Lots more to come in future posts.
Nathan's making his rounds with the cows.
After our trip to the petting farm, Nathan took a long nap because he knew he had to be well rested for his play date with Tyler. They had a lot of catching up to do.
We miss Nathan already. When Don and I say "hi" to Mace and Hank, we say it in the sweet, soft, gentle voice that Nathan uses. Nathan has a lasting impression on anyone who is around him for very long. Love, Grandma.