Here are a few random pictures from the past couple of days.
Wearing a wife-beater and a diaper with frosting on his face. It looks like we're all ready to go to Walmart.............or just about anywhere else in Rapid City for that matter.
Am I crazy, or does Nathan have a very distinct eating style?
Nathan has learned that when asking to go "side" it is much more effective to bring his shoes to me. He suckers me into taking him outside every time with that trick.
Am I crazy, or does Nathan have a very distinct eating style?
Nathan has learned that when asking to go "side" it is much more effective to bring his shoes to me. He suckers me into taking him outside every time with that trick.
Nathan and I have been doing some serious studying of our alphabet recently. He is hooked on the letters H and G. Until you tell him differently, he calls each letter "ah-eeeeee-ch" or "geeeeeeee." It's pretty hilarious. He has picked up this really southern accent from somewhere. I can't imagine who he's learned it from. It's mind-boggling.
I'm counting the hours till I see that little boy (and you, Meme). Unfortunately, Hank and Mace will only be glad to see one of you. Mace will act more down in the dumps than usual.
ReplyDeleteYou are getting closer to Tennessee! You guys will have to come up from Atlanta and visit my pool! We have a bedroom for Nathan to stay in. Megan, I guess you can sleep on the couch. Just kidding! We'll let you stay in the room with Nathan. :) LOL! Hope you have a great trip to DC! See you soon! PS..I'll be in Atlanta August 1-3.