It's Wednesday, so Nathan had gymnastics again this morning. He's a huge fan. One of the kid's nannies in the class came up to me and told me she couldn't believe Nathan's transformation. He joins in each activity with the best of them now. One of the highlights of Nathan's day is at the end of class when he gets a stamp. Ms. Katie doesn't limit the amount of stamps the kids get so they go crazy with stamping at the end of each class. They all want stamps on their bellies. It's so cute to see the little kids run up to her as they pull their shirts up for stamps, then look down at it in awe. The kids usually leave with at least three or four stamps each. Nathan kept it classy this week with only one on his belly and one on his arm. He'll gladly show it to anyone who asks to see it.
You can see the stamp on his arm to.