I put his usual white New Balance shoes on him this morning and he was ready to go outside until he saw his new brown shoes in the shoe box. He brought them to me and made me replace his white ones with his new brown ones.
We walked by this house three times, and laughed just as hard each time.
This one was funny, too.
When you're in Nathan's company, it's mandatory to stop what you're doing to watch any type of aircraft fly overhead. And, according to Nathan, Daddy flies helicopters, too.
After walking up and down the hilly street, Nathan came home and took a three hour nap. My plan worked out exactly as I had hoped. When he woke up we went to Target to get a few things for Daddy's next care package. While we were at Target, Nathan noticed the shelf with books and, of course, he saw his all-time favorite book (which he already owns), the "Dog" book. I let him look at it in the shopping cart as I picked out a children's songs CD for him. After I found what I was looking for, I put the book back on the shelf and he threw a good ol' fashioned tantrum. Luckily, he was in the shopping cart so he was unable to throw himself on the floor. This was his first public tantrum. It sucked. People stared at me like what's wrong with my kid. And what made it even worse is he had a runny nose. A screaming kid with a snotty nose. There is nothing worse than that combo.
Nathan made up for his bad behavior by being extremely sweet for the rest of the day. Nathan helped Grandma feed the kitties in the basement. He thinks that's pretty exciting. Mica and Lily don't like many people, but for some reason, they like Nathan.
He has enough love to go around.
Nathan thinks all animals want to lick his face. He's more than willing to share it with them, too.
He's so sweet.

Nathan made up for his bad behavior by being extremely sweet for the rest of the day. Nathan helped Grandma feed the kitties in the basement. He thinks that's pretty exciting. Mica and Lily don't like many people, but for some reason, they like Nathan.
I refuse to believe the story about my perfect grandson throwing a fit. As bad as Megan dislikes whiny kids, I'm surprised she didn't just buy the book to avoid a scene.