I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Nathan and I enjoyed ours. Steve called so Nathan was able to "talk" to him. I put Steve on speaker phone so Nathan could hear him, then Nathan responded by licking the phone and running off. Then Steve got to hear as Nathan sang a song and played on the keyboard. Nathan made up a song to the tune of the alphabet. He replaced the letters of the alphabet with the word "mom" and sings it over and over. He was definitely the entertainment (and by entertainment, I really mean show off) during our Thanksgiving feast.
Mace's strategy worked out exactly as planned. You guessed it, that was Nathan's chair.
After we ate, Nathan and Great Grandma discussed tractors. Then, thanks to the tryptophan, Nathan went down for a nap....and so did I.
This is funny. Nathan found this Christmas present before it was wrapped. I heard him in the bedroom trying to get the plastic wrap off. He wouldn't take no for an answer. Not that I really tried that hard. We play with bells in gym class (his class is called the Beasts), so now we play with the bells and sing our "Super Beast" song at home. It's great fun.
Looks like a very fun Thanksgiving.