Nathan is thankful for Pringles....
...and Oreos. And I'm thankful for wet wipes. Ms. Tiffany sang the Oreo's jingle...O-R-E-O, then Nathan sang his version, O-O-O-O.
After the party, Ms. Dana handed Nathan his work of art. He ran up to me with his little arm out in front of him carrying his masterpiece. I gushed over how much I loved it and you could see how proud he was of himself.
After we got home from school, I decided to give Nathan the opportunity to show me some of his culinary skills. We made some muffins together. His favorite part was dipping the spatula in the milk then licking it and saying with great enthusiasm, "mmmm."
This morning before we went to school, we packaged up Daddy's care package and decorated it with stickers. He's sure to love it, thanks to Nathan's finishing touches.
Nathan can help prepare Thanksgiving dinner this year.