Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shop 'Til You Drop

Grandma and Nathan hit the mall to get a little Christmas shopping done. That was about as successful as you probably imagine it being. She got one item purchased. The rest of the time was spent chasing Nathan, but that's what she enjoys most. She'll just end up sending me out to do her shopping, as usual.
Picking out a new winter wardrobe.
Does this size 4T hat make my head look big...because it fits perfectly?
I was serious about the title of this post. He thinks it's so funny to see Grandma's reaction when he drops to the floor and rolls around. Grandma gets so embarrassed and tries to get him up as fast as she can and he just laughs and laughs.
Nathan took a few bites of a pancake this morning, then decided that wasn't really what he was in the mood for. I offered him a piece of his cold pizza that he made at school and he gladly accepted.
Nathan got some cuddle time in with Mica after school. 


  1. I can't believe Mica lets him get that close!

  2. Mica is the one who comes to him! She jumps on his lap and rolls all over him. As soon as she sees him, she runs to him and rubs all over his legs.

  3. Nathan needs to visit his cousins in Texas, Bunker and Pinkerton.
