I was at the gym this morning and the Weather Channel just happened to be on in front of my treadmill with a news story about the severe snow storm in Rapid City. As I was walking around in shorts today, my friends in Rapid City were freezing in their own homes without any electricity and couldn't even leave if they wanted to because the interstate was closed. It blows my mind why anyone would choose to live there on their own free will. I'm sure glad we migrated to the South for at least part of the winter. Nathan has an idea to help you pass the time as your stuck at home...
Nathan and I took a walk around the neighborhood after school this afternoon. He walks around pointing out various things, but my favorite thing he points out are "booshes." He'll stop and study the landscaping and he'll point out the bushes that are sharp and tell me "hut, ouch" so I know not to touch them.
We came inside and played with my old '80s models Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars.
Then we went to Nathan's favorite restaurant for the time being. It's just a little hamburger joint, but Nathan loves it. He eats tomatoes and a hamburger patty drenched in ketchup. The owner laughed as he watched Nathan eat the hamburger and told him he's a very good customer.
You wouldn't like them, Steve. The hamburgers are too thin for your liking.