You can count on picture overload when Paw-Paw and I are around Nathan. This poor kid doesn't get a break from the flash photography. I'm sure all the picture taking will die down once he's older and not quite as cute. It's bound to happen. Here are some random pictures taken of Nathan just hanging out at Paw-Paw and Lady's house. He had as much fun just staying home as he did while he was out and about.

He looks guilty of something here.

Nathan went through this phase for few days. He wanted to pick out his own outfits. So, I let him. What do I care? My outfits weren't any better. This was one of his very own ensembles.

Nathan wanted to do everything outside. He made me bring his lunch outside all the time so that he could eat it on the front porch. He didn't want to miss out on anything.

He must have hit a growth spurt because he ate more chicken than ever before. On our way up to Tennessee I stopped at Chick-fil-a and got us each a chicken biscuit for breakfast. I cut his all up for him and by the time I was ready to eat mine, he was almost finished with his, with no signs of stopping. He ended up eating my biscuit, too.

Preparing for a hot summer day.

Camouflage pants + muscle shirt + baby pool = Redneck. Apparently it was so hot he couldn't wait for the pool to fill up.

He made sure Paw-Paw's plants stayed watered.

This was his favorite toy. An old ceiling fan.

Breaking out the bobbles. He was actually very careful and only broke one of them.

Nathan can't get enough of all the yummy summer goodness, fresh fruit and popsicles are among his favorites.

Enjoying an evening snack outside.

Shoveling strawberries in his mouth.

And of course, his year long fave, fried onions.

Look at Mace eyeballing that corn. He's a fan of corn on the cob.

More hanging out at "big Paw-Paw's house."

Checking out the landscaping.

These videos show what a huge part Mace plays in Nathan's visits to Georgia. They can't get enough of each other.
A small misunderstanding.
Sharing with Mace.
Don't be hateful.
More Mace.
Corn dog.
More corn dog.
The old "eat a Cheeto off Nathan's head" trick.
These videos just show you why Mace is thought of so highly by everyone who has ever met him. I don't blame Paw-Paw and Lady for not wanting to give him back to me.
Nathan really got to know Lily during this visit. She comes upstairs a lot more now that Mica isn't around to keep her company in the basement.

He's not satisfied unless he's in her face and hugging and kissing her.

He just can't resist grabbing her tail. Lucky for him, he's on her good side because she knows he'll make sure she gets unlimited treats.

Mace licking the last of the yogurt cup.

Mace doesn't get all of the attention all of the time.

Every moment was enjoyable. I think the older he gets the more fun he gets. He manages to be annoying, yet hilarious at the same time. Lady
ReplyDeleteWow, being in Georgia really brings out the southern accent when you're talking to Nate in the videos.
ReplyDeleteJoe beat me to my comment! Matt and I were noticing how you sound much more southern when you're in Georgia! Steve's going to have to try doubly hard to teach Nathan his Minnesota OHHHs!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny because when Steve was in Minnesota for 9 days on his last trip I couldn't understand a word he was saying. I noticed his Minnesota accent coming out even after being there only one day.
ReplyDeleteI watched the videos again. I have to clarify one word that I said that I don't normally say in such a southern way. The one where Nathan asks to go see the bells. Or as he says, "bayells." I was just imitating him on that one. I have no excuses for the rest of them.
I love the Eat a Cheeto Off Nathan's head trick. Perhaps we have a future candidate for Americas Got Talent!!!