Then, here he is at the Air and Space Museum on Tuesday. (I made sure not to specify what day we would come back as we were leaving this time. He tried saying we'll come back tomorrow, but I didn't agree to the tomorrow part on Tuesday.)
By request, we went to McDonald's afterwards. I bet all the bikers were jealous of Nathan's tie-dyed Sturgis shirt.
I guess it's never too early to start fighting the aging process. Nathan is rubbing some night time firming cream on his face before bed.
He looked several months younger the next morning.
I asked Nathan if he wanted a surprise and his response was, "I not know what surprise is." This is his newest favorite treat, Laffy Taffy. Talk about a messy treat.
He looked several months younger the next morning.
I asked Nathan if he wanted a surprise and his response was, "I not know what surprise is." This is his newest favorite treat, Laffy Taffy. Talk about a messy treat.
And we'll end it here for this reason. There you go, Steve. Are you happy now? A new post for you to enjoy, you know, since you're sitting there with absolutely nothing to do. I hope you really enjoyed it because as I was doing this blog I found Nathan swimming in the foot bath. First and last attempt at a home pedicure.
That's my boy. Lady