Monday, September 7, 2009

Haggerty Heyday

Nathan had a blast with Lady (Wady), Uncle Joe (Uh Joe) and Aunt Lexi (Aunt Wexi). He hasn't experienced a dull moment from the time we picked them up at the airport. The fun started even before they arrived though. I told him he could wear his pajamas to the airport if he would hurry and take a bath before we left. Nathan loves getting to wear his pajamas out.When he first saw Lady he just kept starring at her and saying, "Hi Wady." Then he would grin for a minute as he gazed at her. He repeated that during the entire drive home. During the entire visit, Nathan constantly followed Lady around. When Lady would leave the room, he would get up and say, "I better go find Wady."
Once we got home, that's when the fun really started.

Uncle Joe likes playing with Nathan just as much as Nathan likes playing with him.
Best Friends Forever.
When I told Nathan that Lady was coming to his house, he said, "Wady go see dinosaurs." So for the past couple of weeks he's been talking about taking Lady and Mace and Hank to Dinosaur Park. (I don't know why he thought the dogs were coming too.) It was a little disappointing that he didn't get to take Mace and Hank, but at least he got to take Lady to that spectacular attraction.
I suppose I do take waaaaay too many pictures of Nathan. He's gotten so used to having me take pictures of his every move. He kept posing next to the dinosaurs and saying, "Mommy, take a pitcher (picture)."
Steve worked on landscaping the backyard. Nathan directed him on where the plants needed to go.
Inspecting the plants.
When Nathan wasn't directing, he and Uncle Joe played.
This kind of stuff is why he loves Uncle Joe.
I had to check Uncle Joe's bags before he left for the airport this morning to make sure he didn't try to smuggle Nathan home with him.
Steve taught Nathan how to drink water from a hose.
Mmmm, "dewicious."
Using the edgers as a balance beam.
Beaming with pride as Lady and I applauded his balance beam skills.
Lady introduced this game to Nathan. She turned the water hose on and he played with it for hours.
Lady has been wanting a family picture for a couple of years now. It's virtually impossible to get our family together at the same time, so Lady settled on just the five of us. (Nathan wouldn't cooperate until Uncle Joe offered to hold him.)
Shop talk. Boring.
Here we are enjoying Aunt Lexi's breakfast scramble.
One of Lady's jobs while she was here was to go through all of Nathan's baby clothes and pick out stuff that Kathryn can wear. She found these sunglasses and put them on Nathan. He loved them and thought he was so cool.
Nathan is one cool kiddo.
Lady and Nathan sharing an ice cream.


  1. I had a wonderful time spending time with my family! Nathan thinks I'm great now but wait till PawPaw shows up next week. Lady will be a thing of the past.

  2. What a fun weekend! Nathan gets cooler each time I see him.
