Saturday, September 12, 2009

Potty Training Disaster

After a week of unsuccessful bribery, I decided to put potty training on hold. All Nathan had to do was pee-pee in the toilet to get an airplane. The poo-poo reward was a big truck. I had the airplanes and truck stacked up on the back of the toilet as motivation, but that didn't work. He sat on the toilet a million times and purposely held it. He still wanted a reward though. I would have to tell him no and explain to him that he has to actually do something to get those rewards.
Then that just led to huge crying fits. I couldn't take it anymore.
He cried and cried, begging and pleading with me. "I need to open this! I need to say thank you."
Another one of his tricks was to go in the bathroom and try to get the truck down all by himself. I walked by the dark bathroom and caught him in the act. He backed up and immediately started explaining the situation to me.
I guess it's good that Nathan is still in his diaper because his butt would be hurting if he did this without the diaper padding. He kept running down the driveway through the spilled dirt and purposely slipping.
Slipping and falling on my butt in the dirt isn't exactly my idea of fun, but whatever.


  1. I am SO glad I'm done with potty-training, as those were not my finest parenting moments. Er, maybe I shouldn't say it like that. I meant to say how easy and fun it was. Yeah, piece of cake! You'll be fine! (Actually, it's amazing how many people say that it WAS easy for them. I hate those people.)

  2. I'll let Megan handle Nathan's potty-training from now on. Megan said he wasn't quite ready and I should of let it go at that. Lady
