Thursday, February 19, 2009

Busy Day of Play

Nathan and Tyler have been inseparable lately. Nathan talks about Tyler all day long. Anytime we go somewhere, Nathan asks if "Tywer" is going to be there. He's lucky to have such a good little buddy. Tyler came over to play with Nathan and to check out his Christmas toys that Oma and Opa brought out. They sure did have fun together playing in the tent and climbing on the inflatable airplane.
Tyler climbed on the plane first, so he took the pilot's seat, which meant Nathan was stuck being the navigator. Nathan is thinking..."Thank goodness he's finally getting off, I don't know how much longer I could pretend to be the navigator." Just kidding Uncle Joe!
Tyler played a little b-ball, too.
Nathan was just chilling, listening to a few of his favorite tunes on his new Leap Frog radio. Nathan definitely has his favorite songs, and he plays them over and over...and over. Thanks a lot Matt and Deborah!
Nathan enjoyed some yummy chicken tenders while he watched Sesame Street. He' gotten to where he hears the introduction song and rushes out to the living room to watch "Sessa Stee." It was especially entertaining when Elmo sang along with LL Cool J about addition. Thanks to LL Cool J, Nathan now knows that 1+1=2.


  1. We love the tent!!! Always fun at N8's house!

  2. I'm sure Nate felt extremely prestigious and well respected sitting in the back of that airplane.

  3. Quit making fun of your brother, Meme. I think being a navigator is very important.
    As usual, Nathan and Tyler are very cute. Lady
