Saturday, May 2, 2009

Extended Vacation

Steve and I took a long vacation that started with a drive to Oma and Opa's house to drop off some excess baggage. 
We spent a couple of days in Minnesota then flew down to Miami for a couple of days before setting sail on a seven day cruise. Nathan stayed back in Minnesota to keep Oma and Opa company. This was the longest length of time that I have ever left Nathan, and let me tell you, it was way harder for me than it was for Nathan. Luckily, the sand and sun helped me forget about missing him. He stayed busy playing with his cousins so I don't think he even noticed we were gone...until we got home and he made us pay for a few hours. Correction: He made me pay for a couple of hours, Steve is still suffering the consequences.

Here he is watching a movie with Karl and Laura. Nathan thinks he's such a big boy hanging out with these older kids. 
Karl invited Nathan over to play in his sandbox. 
Nathan and Oma spent a day at Aly and Emily's house also. Here is a picture of Aly and Nathan playing with some blocks together.
Emily and Nathan just hanging out.
Nathan thinks Karl is the coolest person ever. Karl was Oma's helper over the 10 day visit. He took his job as assistant caretaker/entertainer very seriously. 
Oma played in the rocks with him.
Opa taught Nathan how to play the piano. 
While all that was going on in Minnesota, this is what was going on in Miami and the Western Caribbean.

When we arrived in Miami we went to our hotel in South Beach to find the Gay Pride Parade and Festivities going on. Needless to say, that was fun. Here are some pictures that will give you an idea of the attire worn for the occasion.

Our first stop on our cruise was Grand Cayman. It was beautiful. We spent the day relaxing on the beach.
Before getting back on the ship, Steve emptied out a water bottle and replaced it with a different clear beverage. 
Second stop was Isla Roatan, Honduras. As we exited the port area, I was honestly afraid for my life. Then when I saw how poor everyone was and how the kids were trying to pick-pocket every American tourist, I realized that Steve and I were probably not in harms way, but most likely only going to be robbed, if anything. I was okay with that so we took our chances with a local cab driver and he drove us to the other side of the island so we could hit the beach. It was much more beautiful on the other side.

As Steve and I were lying out in the sun, I could always tell when he was about to melt or burst into flames. He doesn't handle the heat the same way I do. Anyways, I would always tell him to go get in the water. He would always say no, so then I would go. (We didn't leave our stuff unattended ever.) It never failed, I would be in the water for no more than 2 minutes and he would be waving me back in because he couldn't take the heat anymore. 
As usual, I'm stuck on dry land.
Next stop, Belize City. We took a hike through a rain forest which was very pretty. We started at the Bacab Eco Park which was really nice. There was a horse just roaming around freely. I wanted to go pet it, but Steve told me to keep my distance because it might attack me. 
So I just waited in the hammock for the tour to begin.
On our way to the jungle.
We saw a monkey family hanging out in the trees. That part was really cool, especially because they didn't throw any poop on us. That happened to me at the zoo once. I thought the monkey was just waving to me.
After the hike, we had a traditional Belizean lunch, which was actually really good, followed by lounging by the pool. 
If you can't tell by now, my "thing" is hanging out near water and tanning.
I had to put this picture up because Steve is actually smiling. As soon as he sees a camera, his smile immediately disappears and he puts on a serious face.
Our last stop was Cozumel, Mexico. We learned about swine flu the night before, so that made for an interesting day. Luckily, I found a beach and forgot about it. The side of the island that we were on was not the pretty side. It was actually really rocky and the winds and storms from the night before (which made me deathly sick) brought all the gross ocean junk to the shore. Not the best beach, but I wasn't about to complain.
Then after about two hours on the beach, Steve decided he would like to take a look around downtown and maybe go check out some ancient Mayan ruins afterwards. He had been talking about seeing Mayan ruins since our first stop. Being the wonderful wife that I am, I agreed to it.
Steve was happy to finally get to see some Mayan ruins.
Apparently this is what I look like when you make me leave the beach to look at anything historical.
Exciting stuff.
More of the same.
This was the best smile I could come up with after looking at piles and piles of rocks.
This is how I spent my time on the ship. I think I ate my weight in ice cream cones over the course of the week. Steve is just now beginning to recognize me again without an ice cream cone stuck to my face.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you weren't too seasick to have some fun! (And I can certainly sympathize with being married to someone who is prone to starting on fire in the sun...). It was great to see all of you when you were here. I know Karl sure had a blast with Nathan (but he'd better not get any ideas about wanting a little brother!).
