Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lady to the Rescue

Lady's plane arrived late Wednesday night, so Nathan was in bed when she got here. Before we put Nathan to bed, Steve and I asked him who he thought might be at our house in the morning when he woke up. He was just certain it was "Uh Joe." Without a doubt, he repeatedly told us "Uh Joe" was coming. Boy was he surprised and happy to see Lady when he woke up... and I sure did enjoy sleeping late. It was my dream come true today, I wasn't good enough for anything. Everything was, "No Lady do it. Where Lady go? Lady, hold me." This is exactly what I've been needing. 

Nathan and Lady started their day together by running laps up and down the hall.
Each lap was followed with tickling and cuddling.
Lady took Nathan on three walks. His third walk is his favorite because he gets to wear his night-nights. That's how we bribe him to be nice and cooperate during his bath. He hates baths. I don't know what's so exciting about wearing night-nights on a walk, but whatever works.
Here is a picture from the "night-night walk" the previous night.
We started Nathan off in the big boy bed with just the mattress and box spring on the floor, so that if he fell out he only had a short distance to fall. He hasn't rolled out of bed since the first night he slept in the big boy bed, so we went ahead and put it up on the frame. He is loving his even bigger big boy bed now. 
He also likes his new bed spread. Here he is pointing out the various sports balls.

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