Nathan is definitely not having a shortage of grandparent visits recently. The day after we arrived home from Oma and Opa's house, Paw-Paw arrived at our house. On Thursday, I made the mistake of telling Nathan that Paw-Paw was going to come visit him tomorrow. After Nathan's nap he was a little confused and asked for Paw-Paw. I explained to him that it wasn't tomorrow yet. So the next morning, the first thing he said when he woke up and walked out of his room was, "Where's Paw-Paw?" He definitely doesn't forget anything. He was extremely excited to see Paw-Paw pull in the driveway Friday evening. He ran outside and gave him a handshake and hug. Then he immediately invited him inside to play with his bobbles. Poor Paw-Paw hasn't had a break from playing road or bobbles since Friday evening. He brought his work computer so that he could keep up with work while he's visiting.

We'll see how much work Paw-Paw actually accomplishes during his visit.

A typical conversation to get him to wash his hands.
Me: "Nathan, lets go wash your hands."
Nathan: "No."
Me: "Lets go wash dishes."
Nathan: "O-tay."

Ice Age.

Nathan managed to talk us into going to the playground for three straight days. He's becoming a professional slider. Sliding is right up there with running fast and playing road, if that gives you any idea of how much he loves it.

He made sure to try out every slide at each playground.

Then we had a picnic. Nathan thought that was pretty cool.

"Oh no! Paw-Paw fall tree!" Paw-Paw stepped into the tree and Nathan thought that was hilarious. He's been talking about it ever since.

Nathan got in his truck every day in Georgia and rode it back and forth running into things in Paw-Paw and Lady's basement, but he certainly didn't want to take it for a spin yesterday. However, he did use it to hold his blackberries while he played.

After a busy day at Dinosaur Park and the playground, Nathan and Paw-Paw came home for some down time.

Believe it or not, I'm not even envious of Paw-Paw's and Nathan's special time together. The pictures are so sweet. That's what being a grandparent is all about. Lady.