Serious concentration.
Same thing, different angle.
At this point he was getting tired of having to use the same color paint over and over.
While I was painting Hank's face and details, Nathan painted a snake. A very colorful snake.
Worn out from all the painting.
Apparently, shoes and socks restrict his creativity. He had to get comfy before he could paint. Weirdo.
He was a little messy with the paint brush this time around.
After we picked up the dog a week later, he came home and admired his artwork.
Proudly displaying Hank. Then I immediately made him give it to me before he got a chance to break it.
Nathan's masterpieces have taken over Steve's stein cabinet. Here is Hank with the colorful snake.
The dog duo.
There's our inspiration.
I told Nathan that Hank used to live at our house and he thought that was the coolest thing. Now he keeps saying, "Can you believe Hank used to live at our house?!?"
Nathan's conversation about Hank made me teary eyed. I had to walk away from my desk. I wish Hank wasn't old either. He really is a wonderful friend. I can't wait to see Pottery Hank in person. You did a fine job, Nathan. Love, Lady