We had two beautiful days to play outside. Nathan definitely took advantage of the nice weather. One couple walked by our house and said he is the "outside-iest" little boy they've ever seen. Then when they walked past our blue car parked in the street, he yelled to them, "Don't get in my Nissan!" They laughed with surprise and told him they wouldn't get in his Nissan. If you ask Nathan what the coolest car in the world is, he would tell you his blue Nissan is the best car ever. We're going to save it for him and make him drive it when he's 16. Then when he complains, we're going to show him this blog post.
I forgot how well-known Nathan is up and down the three blocks we used to walk all the time. Everybody who was outside over the weekend was yelling, "Hi Nathan!" and making comments to him.

Nathan took five walks in one day. There he is at that infamous red step that Paw-Paw always seems to trip over. Nathan was recreating one of Paw-Paw's trips over that step.

Take a look at Kat in the Hat. Kathryn went for her first walk in the Baby Bjorn. She loved it.

After taking walks all weekend long, we went out for ice cream.

Refueling for another five walks.

We colored on the driveway.

Nathan's attempt at writing "Nate."

He even drove Daddy's truck from the back driveway to the front driveway.

As much as you complain about living in Rapid City, Nathan seems to love every minute. What will he do when he doesn't have the picture window to view the happenings on Saint Charles Street?