Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Big Day of Fun

You have to take advantage of nice weather in South Dakota because you never know when it might snow. Nathan has definitely been getting his fair share of outside time over the past few days. He only comes in to bathe and sleep. Last night, Steve and I took Nathan for a walk in his little red car. We fed him his dinner on the way, one and a half Arby's junior roast beef sandwiches (the second one was supposed to be mine) and carrots and potatoes. Nathan's appetite has been huge lately.  

This morning Nathan and I went to the park with another one of Nathan's friends, Caden, and his mom Ashley. Tyler's lazy butt wouldn't get out of bed! They played so hard and got so filthy. Nathan's sleepy-time hums and yells lulled Caden right to sleep on the way home. Nathan, on the other hand, never fell asleep and caught a second wind once we got home. I gave him a bath with the intent of putting him down for a nap, but that didn't happen. We then decided to take advantage of the rest of the day's sunshine, so we went to Tyler's house and played on his new playground and hung out with Saber. Nathan pushes himself until he's so exhausted he can't even walk. Needless to say, Nathan went to bed early. I mean way early....6:30 p.m.

I don't have any pictures from today, but here are a few pictures of him playing at home a couple of days ago.

Nathan is an all-star basketball player.
And a super-star football player. 

Just cooling off on the sidelines.
Until Steve decides to trade in his truck for an extended cab, Nathan is stuck riding in the back. Better him than me. 
He thinks he's so cool playing in the back of Daddy's truck.


  1. I love the Lazy Tyler part!! He went to bed at 7:30!

  2. Who first introduced Nathan to the bed of trucks? His Grandpa!

  3. I want to go with you to the petting zoo! HOW fun! Think Nathan would let me tag along?
