Nathan learned how to drink from a straw.
Nathan is so full of energy once he gets out of the car. Here, he is trying to climb across the table at Perkins.
Now that's what we like to see!

We were going to sit down for a quick lunch before heading out to the beach, but that quick lunch wasn't so quick once we saw the 2 for 1 drink menu.

Steve and me in Nassau.
Steve in Nassau.

Now, going back to where I left off on the previous post. Nathan and I got over our little tiff. We were friends again by that evening. He taught me a lesson in leaving him. Not a very good one though because Steve and I left him two days later for our cruise, which happened to be awesome. We flew to Miami early to spend a day there before we departed for the Bahamas. I could have used a few more days there. Enjoy some pictures from our trip. Don't worry, there are no bikini photos. I'm not that mean.
Now that I've made you suffer through our vacation photos, I'll get back to Nathan's life. He had a pretty good vacation. Steve will post about their Minnesota Vacation Part I, so I'll jump right into his Hotlanta visit.
Here we are on a walk. Clearly, Nathan enjoys these walks. He was laughing so hard as Grandma ran towards him.
Emma's look says, "Please go back to South Dakota."

Nathan and Grandma.
Nathan's shirt says it all. Nathan can do no wrong in Grandpa's eyes. Too bad he didn't have that same eyesight for me!

It's cute when Nathan grabs handfuls of dirt and drops it on the sidewalk. It wouldn't be so cute if anyone else messed with the landscaping.
And again, running up and down the side of the house.

Just hanging out.
After Nathan's Georgia visit, we had our Minnesota Visit Part II. We started it off by taking our car to the dealer in Minneapolis to get the shifter fixed. I know, it's hard to believe Rapid City doesn't have a Jaguar dealership. Nathan and I had a good time drooling over, I mean looking at the cars on the showroom floor.
"Daddy, Mommy told me to tell you that she wants that black car instead of her Altima."
We also went to Oma's retirement party at Pump It Up. I think the only reason Oma retired was so that she had an excuse to go to Pump It Up and jump in the bouncy castles and run through the obstacle course. Nathan had a blast bouncing and playing with all the kids. All Nathan ever wants to do is jump and climb, so it was perfect for him. Actually, I think we all had a blast jumping and climbing. Adults could play too. Here are some pictures of Pump It Up. It's easier to just show pictures rather than explain what it is.
In Nathan's defense, Cousin Emma's grandparents (Korey) let her stay up way past her bedtime the night before, so she wasn't in the best mood to begin with!