Monday, June 23, 2008

Sole Searching

Nathan and I went to the mall today to find some new shoes for him. He's too active for those soft sole shoes now. He needed some big boy shoes. He ended up getting some Nike Shox. With all the running he does, he probably needs the extra cushioning. And more importantly, he looks cool in them. To reward him for his patience with trying on shoes today, we went to the mall playground again. I thought I was going to have it out with a little three-ish year old girl when I peeked in the play tent and saw her pushing Nathan and saying, "Get out. This is my house." He went in the tent first anyways. He should have been the one pushing her out. They were playing so nicely together before that. I guess she wasn't expecting me to stick my head in. I stared at her and said "DO NOT PUSH HIM." She just stared back at me like 'whatever, dude' and I said it again with devil eyes and she left him alone. A few minutes later she crawled on top of the tent and fell off (before I could push her....totally just kidding). Hopefully she learned her lesson on karma today.

Here he is sporting his new shoes. 

He tried standing up and stepping off the front porch instead of turning around and scooting off. As you can see, it didn't quite work out like he had hoped. That is a leaf stuck to his forehead. 
One day I asked Steve to pick up some baby soap for Nathan while he was out. He went to Sam's Club and bought two jumbo three-packs of baby soap. I thought he was crazy and there would be no way Nathan could use that much soap. I was wrong. Way wrong. No matter where Nathan goes, he always makes his way to the dirt.
Here are a few pictures that I thought were cute.

Showing his school spirit for Mommy's and Daddy's schools.
Nathan is getting his second hair cut tomorrow, so I bought some Cheetos to keep his happy while he's at the salon. I started eating the Cheetos and I forgot to put them out of his reach when I was finished. I turned the corner and caught him orange handed.


  1. He is too cute! I cannot believe that little girl pushed him :( .
    I love his new kicks! He is taking after is mommy already with the shoes. Is he always that happy? Wow he is always smiling so big, he's a "punkin".

  2. Okay--I soooo have to get Tyler some Nike Shox!!! Way Cool!

  3. Is this what a $30,000+ advertising degree will get you? Cute titles?

  4. Money well spent, huh Mom? I'm getting lots of use out of that degree! :)
