Nathan's new thing is drinking from a grown up cup. Every time I have a drink, I have to share it with him. It gets kind of gross though. He's like a chipmunk, he stores food in his cheeks. He actually just eats really slowly. So when I think he should be finished chewing/gumming the bite I gave him 10 minutes ago, he surprises me and leaves some of it in my drink. Luckily, I'm on a lemonade kick, so I've just been telling myself it's pulp as I feel chunks swoosh across my tongue.
I don't know why I introduced this game to Nathan. He was perfectly happy just climbing in and out of the laundry basket. I pushed him down the hall one time, now it's our new game. It feels great on your lower back.
Walking up and down the block.
Yes, that is our front yard. We won't have grass this year because the chemicals that TruGreen put on the weeds won't allow for new grass growth for a couple months. The plus side to this yard is it's a breeze to mow and we don't have to water it.
This is our new bath time game. When he gets out of the tub he snuggles with me as I dry him off. As soon as I put him down he runs to this corner and hides. He peeks out wanting me to tickle him, so I do. Then we repeat this about ten more times.
The much anticipated Father's Day post will be tomorrow. I forgot my camera yesterday, but Tyler's dad saved the day with his camera. Thanks Smoky!!!
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