Friday, August 8, 2008

Best Buds

Nathan and I had an unexpectedly busy afternoon yesterday. We met up with Tammy and Tyler at the courthouse to renew our vehicle tags then went to a late lunch/early dinner downtown with Tammy and Tyler and their roommate, Pete.

Just imagine how much fun I had keeping Nathan contained for 50 minutes while waiting in line.
He actually behaved a lot better than I expected. He had fun after he realized that his voice echoed when he yelled. 
At our favorite Rapid City restaurant, Delmonico Grill.
After that, we just happened to walk by a fire truck with some nice firemen standing nearby. Nathan and Tyler posed and climbed on the front of the truck. Nathan thought he was hot stuff getting to play on the fire truck. 

After playing on the fire truck we headed over to Rapid City Summer Nights. There is a festival every Thursday evening downtown so Nathan and Tyler enjoyed themselves.......Nathan especially enjoyed the water buckets that were supposed to be used for some water game for kids. 

Nathan walked up to the concession stand and looked up at the cashier and pointed to a bag of cotton candy and said, "that." I didn't let his cuteness prevail this time though, he had to settle for a sucker. I wasn't about to let him get back in the car after eating cotton candy. The sucker was bad enough.
After hanging out downtown, Tyler wanted to see what all the hype was about with Nathan's new sandbox. He wasn't even close to impressed with it. Meanwhile, Nathan was giggling and rolling all around in it.  
Tyler is begging his mom to get him out of that disgusting sand.
Tyler was much happier once he got out of the sand.
After Nathan's much-needed bath, he decided that he needed to wear one orange shoe with his pajamas. Whatever makes him happy.

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