Monday, August 25, 2008

Just a Regular Day

Nathan and I got our chores done first thing this morning. It's so nice to have help around the house. Nathan's help usually makes the task twice as long, but it sure is cute so that makes up for it. Besides, what else do I have to do? Blog?

We played outside for a little while.
Then we came in for lunch. Here are a few of Nathan's meal time facial expressions. He'll do anything for a laugh. 

We went to Tyler's house for dinner and playtime.
Nathan and Tyler went for an after dinner swim.
How do you like Nathan's new Gap airplane swimming trunks?
Nathan is warming up by the fire after his evening swim. 
Before I get a flood of comments, let me clarify. There wasn't really a fire in the fire pit, I just said that because it made a good caption for the picture.


  1. Thank you for the lunch pictures. When I hear him on the phone, it's nice to see his facial expressions. I also like the picture of Nathan and Oma reading together. That picture is nice enough to put in a frame.

  2. I think the picture by the firepit is very cute. Nate has a funny expression on his face.
