Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Airplane Addiction

Nathan was almost impossible to wake up this morning. He's not the friendliest kid when he's woken up, so you have to be extremely careful about how you go about doing it. After whispering nicely to him and rubbing his hair it was evident that he was absolutely not getting up. Finally, I said, "I'm going to go see airplanes." He popped up wide awake and couldn't get out of bed fast enough. That's when I broke the news to him that we had to go to the doctor first. (Grandparents: The enlarged lymph node in his neck is of no concern, he's otay.)
I held my promise of seeing airplanes, despite the cold, windy weather. Apparently, seeing airplanes on Thursday and Saturday just wasn't sufficient. He needed to go again on Monday.
I asked Nathan to smile for a picture and this is what he did. It looks like the cocky flyer pose/lean against the jet comes naturally to Nathan. He's already got the "I'm center of the universe" attitude down pat, as well.
It was a good morning. We got to watch two jets take off. First Nathan yelled, "Come back here, Daddy! Slow down!" Then he thought for a second and said, "That's not Daddy. Daddy drove his truck today."
As you know by now, Nathan has a fascination with whiskers. He came out of the bathroom one night with Steve's electric razor against his face, informing me that you have to shave your whiskers if you want to fly airplanes. Nathan thinks that all Steve does all day at work is flies airplanes and opens and closes the gate to the Air and Space Museum (I don't know why he thinks Steve controls that, but he does.) So, in the mornings when Steve is getting ready for work (i.e. shaving), he's obviously getting ready to go fly airplanes.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for brightening my morning--I laughed out loud reading this post! I especially like Nathan's pilot pose.

    You have to admit, it would be pretty cool for any little boy to have a dad who flies airplanes. Poor Karl only gets to brag that his dad is really good at typing...
