Monday, November 16, 2009

Babysitter Swap Out

Well, Opa's visit has come and almost gone. He's heading back home tomorrow morning, most likely without getting to meet Kathryn... unfortunately. It wasn't a complete bust though, Steve, Nathan and I really enjoyed his visit. I think Nathan somehow bribed Kathryn into not making an appearance just so that he could have Opa all to himself. Come to think of it, I think Steve did the same.
Opa has done his fair share of coloring over the past week.
Just hanging out, watching TV.
Paw-Paw arrives tomorrow morning to take over the job of on-call babysitter for Nathan in the event of Kathryn's arrival. With all these grandparent visits, Nathan is going to be so spoiled by the time Kathryn is born. Okay, okay, he'll be even more spoiled than he already is (for those of you who can believe that).

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Opa and Nathan had a great time together. PawPaw is on his way to take over. Lady
