Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun for All

To keep from getting bored in TLF, we've been out and about every chance we've gotten. The fun started at Chuck E. Cheese. He thinks Chuck E. Cheese pizza is the most delicious pizza ever. He actually prefers gross pizza over good pizza. He also likes Little Caesar's pizza.
Baby Sister just hanging out, as usual.
If there is a world record for how fast a kid can go through 50 tokens, Nathan needs to enter the contest.
This is his favorite game. You drop a token in and push the button and see how many tickets you get. He reminded me of those old people who post up at the slot machines in Vegas. All he was missing was a cigarette and an oxygen tank.
He landed on the 25 ticket mark a couple of times. I don't know how many tickets he ended up with because we didn't stick around to count them. Kathryn pooped a big one and it stunk really bad, so we left. Luckily, I still had a sucker in my purse from our last visit. He didn't know any better so he was happy.
One of the nice things about living on base is that the bowling ally is just around the corner.
Nathan has been asking to go miniature golfing for about a year now. Last summer I was too sick to even think about taking him, so on the first day of "warm" weather I made his dream come true.
Lining your ball up just right, right on the edge of the hole is the secret to a good golf game.
We actually only made it halfway through the course before we decided to call it a day. We spent A LOT of time at each hole.
Happy little golfer.
Golf buddies.
We can mark Pirate's Cove off of our list of things to do in Rapid City.

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