I took a break from my 24/7 job of ringmaster of my very own three ring circus (Steve, Nathan, Kathryn), and took my little clowns to experience their first circus.

Enjoying a slice of pizza as we wait for the circus to start.

Baby Sister enjoyed the circus.

Her favorite part of the show was watching Nathan.

Uncle Joe, when you can teach your cats to do tricks like this, I might begin to understand your fascination with your weirdo cats. These tigers were fearlessly jumping through rings of fire. That one cat of yours was too scared to walk across a perfectly safe room during my last visit to your house.

Of course, you can't leave the circus without a giant blow-up hammer.

Hmmm, I have an idea for when I see Mace and Hank again.....

I know I could get at least one of my cats to do cool things like that. There's no hope for the other one.