Sunday, May 23, 2010

South Dakota: Your Vacation Destination

We surrounded ourselves with South Dakota tourists again on Saturday. We took some scenic drives that I'm going to force you to look at pictures of because scenery pictures are mixed in with people pictures. Sorry, I know it sucks looking at scenery pictures (especially someone else's), but I want to have them for my record.
We drove down Needles Highway through Custer State Park.
Nathan thought these narrow rock tunnels were cool, but that's about it.
Nathan enjoyed the first 15 minutes of the drive, but that was about it. He kept telling us he wanted to go back to the room after that.
There you go, you made it through the first part of scenery pics! We got out to take a break from riding in the car.
Baby Sister is just taking in all the scenery (and enjoying being out of her car seat).
After Needles Highway we drove through Wildlife Loop Road because as everyone knows, kids love doing long scenic drives. During this drive Nathan kept telling us to turn around. He was ready to go home. Not to his house, but to his room on base. He doesn't want anything to do with our old house. The drive did suck (there were no animals in sight) until the end when these donkeys came up to our car.
I think Nathan has grown accustomed to weird things like this happening in his life. Oh look, a donkey is right outside my window.
This was my favorite part of the day. These donkeys were so funny.
After that long drive of seeing nothing, but antelope after antelope, we finally found the herd of bison.

This little baby bison was running around and playing. It was so cute. I wanted to bring it home.
You made it though the wildlife scenery. Now it's on to some kid pictures. We stopped for some lunch.
Nathan was glad to be out of the car.
This is the part Steve was waiting for all day long, and who wouldn't be excited about this? We stopped at Bedrock City in Custer. It's like stepping right into an episode of The Flintstones. Here is Barney and Betty's house. Suddenly those wildlife and scenery pictures don't seem so bad after all, huh?
Fred and Wilma's house.
Have you ever been anywhere that is so cheesy that you start to like it because of the fact that it is so cheesy? That's the only way I can describe this place.
Just hanging out with my girls.
Baby Sister and Pebbles.
Nathan and Bamm-Bamm. He didn't want to pose with Bamm-Bamm.
Nathan hated this place. He didn't want to look at anything.
Mount Rockmore.
The only way we got Nathan to pose for pictures was by promising him we would go to the playground afterwards.
He doesn't even try to hide how miserable he is in all of these pictures.
Finally, a happy kid.
We stopped in Hill City, but Nathan was asleep when we got there. We started to wake him up, but then decided against it (he's a total grump when he's woken up). Steve and I took turns running into the ice cream and fudge shop for a snack while this exhausted kid slept in the car.
We stopped at Prairie Berry Winery and did some wine tasting on the way home. I've been wanting to go there for a long time so finally I made Steve stop since we drove right past it. We stocked up on some wine, so that should get us through the rest of the weekend. Just kidding. I think we're finished with South Dakota now. I can't imagine those people who visit South Dakota and have to cram as much of this stuff into just a week or two (but then again I can't imagine traveling to South Dakota to visit a lot of the places we visited, i.e. Bedrock City, Wall Drug, and many, many more). It's taken us three years to get through it.

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