Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fool for School

Tuesdays are one of Nathan's favorite days of the week. He got to go to school this morning. He went right to Ms. Dana and didn't even care as I told him bye and walked out the door. His class baked a pumpkin pie today. He helped pour and mix the ingredients. What a mess that must have been! He must have had a blast all day because when I arrived to pick him up he didn't run up to me like he's done on the previous days. He acknowledged my presence just by throwing a ball to me and laughing, then he kept on playing with the other kids. He wasn't ready to leave, I had to pick him up and carry him out the door.

After school today, Nathan and I came home and played. Here are some pictures.
Nathan shares everything with Mace. Mace gladly accepted the ball.

Hank is funny, too. He had some kind of skin irritation to I took him to the vet yesterday. It's pretty gross, but I'll show a picture anyways so that Steve can see it. Hank refused to get out of the car once we got home. He wanted to secure his spot for the next time I had to go somewhere. He sat in the car for three hours before I decided to just go somewhere so that he would get out of the car.

Three hours later and still waiting patiently.


  1. One word--gross! Did he get that from licking Mica's wound!?!

  2. It started off as a little scab, like a bite, then he kept scratching it and making it bigger and bloodier.... and more expensive!

  3. First, Mace with an insect bite, then Mica gets mauled and now Hank has some wierd skin thing. Remind me never to bring my pets anywhere near that animal house of horrors.
