Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick Turnaround

To be honest, I thought Ms. Katie, Nathan's gymnastics teacher, was crazy when she said that it would probably take about two weeks for Nathan to become more receptive to the class. I thought it would take much longer. Today, Nathan was like a totally different kid. He was climbing and flipping and playing with other kids (and ignoring me unless it benefitted him). I would always wait to make Nathan be one of the last kids to try each activity because he has a tendency to climb up on the spring board or mat or whatever else and dance for a couple of seconds before jumping down. The mommies and nannies were cracking up watching what I get to deal with on a daily basis.

After gymnastics, Nathan and I stopped by Grandma's work for a little bit. Nathan put on his best sweet, little boy act and fooled everyone in the office. We had lunch with Grandma at a Mexican restaurant then headed home for a nap. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did considering how much energy he expended during gymnastics. He was a wild man.

Here he is showing off his new dinosaur jammies. 

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