Thursday, October 2, 2008

Park It

Grandpa arrived in Rapid City last night. His plane landed around 10:30 p.m. so much to his surprise (not mine or Steve's), when we got home Nathan was still steadily playing. It only took about five minutes for Nathan to warm up to him. He showed Grandpa his cars and pictures. Grandpa acted impressed. They're best friends again.

It didn't take us long to take advantage of having Grandpa around. Steve and I heard Nathan waking up this morning, but neither of us even moved. Next thing we heard was Grandpa talking to Nathan and changing his diaper. People are going to stop visiting us if we continue sticking them with babysitting duties! Just kidding, we only do that to grandparents....and sometimes Uncle Joe.

Grandpa and Nathan ate Cheerios for breakfast. Nathan didn't care anything about Steve or me this morning. Fine with us!
Grandpa, Nathan and I picked up some lunch then went to the park to have a picnic. After we ate we ran around and played.
Nathan was Grandpa's personal tour guide.. 
One, two, three....jump. 
Nathan enjoyed looking at the flowers even more than Grandpa...if you can believe that, Mom!
"I'm gonna get you!!!"


  1. Nathan looks like Uncle Joe in the picture where he is standing around the flowers. His hair style is even starting to look like Joe's did when he was Nathan's age.

  2. Oh my gosh! Three people left the same comment without even knowing it. That is too funny!
