Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Kids

On Saturday, we went to a great big pumpkin patch with Tyler and his mom and dad. Daddy will miss out on Halloween so Nathan wore his dalmation costume so that Daddy could enjoy the cuteness of Nathan the Dalmation.
This costume is very fitting because his close friends and family members often refer to him as Nate Dogg. He's so gangsta.
Tyler's dad took some professional family photos to help Steve get out of the dog house (no pun intended) after he made us miss family photos last week because he wouldn't stop watching football and baseball. Thanks, Smoky!!! This picture isn't one of the good ones because I'm using our old computer that won't even let me upload one more picture because it's so full. I sent the new computer with Grandpa so that I won't have to carry it on the plane. I'll share the good pictures when I get to Georgia.


  1. Hey Megan...have a safe trip!!!!

  2. I know Tyler and Tammy are going to miss you 2. Have a safe trip and enjoy being home. I'll check in on your blog while you're down there.

    Tyler's GrannieEv
