Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Nathan has developed quite an arm with all of the sports he has been playing lately. If he's holding a ball you better be prepared because he's going to throw it to you. If he's holding anything other than a ball you better keep your eyes open because there's about a 50% chance he's going to hurl it at you, as well. Here is a perfect example of this latest craze during bath time tonight. That is a rubber duckie flying through the air.    
Of course, he had to bring his football in the tub with him.
Going back to earlier today, the weather was so nice so we decided to take advantage of it because we know that there are very few nice days left in South Dakota. We went to Dinosaur Park this afternoon...mainly because Nathan hasn't been going to bed until 10:30 p.m. the past couple of nights so I wanted to wear him out. There are about a million steps leading up to the dinosaurs so I let Nathan climb them himself. He's a huge fan of climbing steps, but halfway up he turned to me and reached up for me to carry him. Right then and there I knew my plan was going to work. We ran around on top of the hill and played. 

Hey Nathan, where is the dinosaur? Actually, he's pointing to the sky. He's very intrigued by the sky, clouds and the "mun" now.
Here is a close-up of his new hairdo. It's actually not as short as it has been in the past. I asked his hairstylist to just make a shorter version of what he already had. It turned out nicely. 
Nathan helped me make the bed today. And by help, I mean he repeatedly lifted the sheet up and played peek-a-boo.
Ready for bed by 8:30 p.m.


  1. There's a plastic bat & baseball and t-ball stand waiting for Nathan in Georgia. We'll let Nathan's daddy teach him football and basketball. Love, Grandma

  2. The last picture of a side view of Nathan looking at Saber reminded me of Joseph when he was a little boy. I think it's the nose and cheeks. Grandpa said he was reminded of Joseph when he looked at it to. Love, Grandma

  3. Nathan is so cute with his haircut! It seems like forever since I got to see him last... which is really sad since we live in the same town. You should bring him over- then Dake could teach him soccer so in addition to throwing things, Nathan could start kicking balls at you, too! :)

  4. He wouldn't know how to say "mun" if he didn't stay up til 10:30pm!!!
    We just got home...midnight...Tyler saw the moon tonight as well! It was a GREAT surprise to see Saber when I walked in!!! Thanks!
