We want to thank Uncle Joe and Aunt Lexi for an amazing trip to their home in San Antonio. Nathan had an absolute blast. As soon as we saw Uncle Joe, Aunt Lexi and Lady at the airport, Nathan got so excited and greeted each of them and fell straight into Lady's arms. That was the last I saw of him. Just kidding. He couldn't quite understand why PawPaw wasn't there. For the first couple of hours he kept asking, "Where PawPaw?"
Nathan was his usual cheery self during our long day of travel. When I say long I mean, really long. We had a 3.5 hour layover in Denver in addition to a few hours of flying. Nathan was such an easy going guy that it made the day really fly by.

Just making sure airport operations are running smoothly.

As the day progressed though, Nathan came down with a full body rash consisting of lots and lots of red spots. I had no idea what it was, but it didn't seem to bother him. I called the on-call nurse later that night and she suggested we go to an urgent care clinic the next morning. So that's how we started our first full day in San Antonio, at Little Spurs Urgent Care. Turns out, he had an amoxicillin rash. It's not an allergic reaction, just a rash. There you go, that's the explanation for Nathan's appearance in the pictures.

After we were picked up from the airport, we went out for dinner. It looks like Lady is giving Uncle Joe the "slant eye" in this picture. Probably because he was a total Nathan hog for the first couple of hours.

See what I mean?

It's a shame that Uncle Joe doesn't love Nathan at all.

When we got to Uncle Joe and Aunt Lexi's house, Nathan was introduced to Bunker, or as Nathan called him, "Bumper." This cat was the highlight of Nathan's trip. As much as I don't like giving Joe compliments, I have to admit that his cat is the coolest cat in the world. And as for Nathan not wearing a shirt, it was hot in Texas.

Bunker is the feline version of Mace. He followed Nathan around during the entire visit, letting Nathan do whatever he wanted.

Nathan kept throwing the ball up the steps for Bunker. These steps made me realize how much I like living in a one story house with Nathan.

This cat wouldn't leave Nathan alone, just as much as Nathan wouldn't leave him alone.

Nathan really tormented this cat when he realized the kitty wanted his Cheetos. He ran back and forth across the room just so that Bunker would chase him.

I know where I'm sending Nathan next time Steve and I decide to take a vacation.

Sweet kisses.

Flying like an airplane.

Flying like an airplane all by himself.

Bunker also flew like an airplane, and purred while doing so.

Nathan would take off running as fast as he could across the yard then Uncle Joe would dart across in front of him. That game got lots of laughs.

Sneaking up on Bunker.

The guys hanging out.

We fulfilled our tourist obligations by visiting the Alamo and the River Walk.

The rocks were the most exciting part for Nathan.

We spent quite a bit of time playing in the rocks.

Nathan climbed in the big pot of rocks and began lining them up like he does with his cars.

Then Lady started this routine. He repeatedly jumped off the pot.

Then climbed up her body.

Just to be snuggled and tickled, and repeated.

Nathan at the River Walk.

Nathan playing with the kitty.

More full body hugs for Bunker. It was so strange to see a cat that likes this kind of attention.

Nathan would have been perfectly happy staying at Uncle Joe and Aunt Lexi's house during the entire visit. I bet Joe and Lexi had no idea their house was so much fun.

Nathan and Bunker were quite the pair. As you can tell from this video, Nathan wasn't hurting for any attention.
Since Nathan is such an animal lover, we took him to see the "amals" at the wildlife ranch.

This was right up Nathan's ally.

Throwing food out the window.

This was just a warm-up for Nathan as he prepares for Old Mac's Farm to open.

From a distance, ostriches don't look scary, but just wait until they try to stick their head in your car.

Nathan got to see a real giraffe on this trip, unlike his trip to the zoo in Montana.

After we visited the wildlife ranch, it was my turn for fun.

Not only was this fun because I love these stores, but mainly because Nathan stayed home with Aunt Lexi.

I snuck a picture of Uncle Joe helping Lady shop for a new purse. It looks like he's being nice and helpful, but the only reason he was looking through all the purses was to check for the extra inside pocket that Lady requires. That way he could stop her from wasting time and looking at the ones that didn't have the pocket.

As I was busy shopping, Nathan was busy doing what he does best. Getting dirty. Nathan spent the afternoon playing with Aunt Lexi (while I shopped) and doing whatever he wanted. No wonder he's still talking about her.
Just following Texas dress code.

Just kidding. He actually got so dirty while playing outside that we had to strip before he could come inside. Then he saw Uncle Joe go back outside so he thought he needed to go out again.

We had an early celebration for Nathan's upcoming second birthday.

Nathan blew out the candle and said, "nandle off."

He opened a few small gifts.

Our plane left at 6:15 a.m. Monday morning. I woke up at 3 a.m. and Nathan woke up at 3:45 a.m. It's a good thing we had early flights though, otherwise we wouldn't have made it back to Rapid before the blizzard.

Here are Lady and Nathan hanging out at the San Antonio airport before we boarded.

I can't really tell if this blog is about our trip to San Antonio or if it's about Nathan playing with Bunker. I know, way too many cat pictures, but I thought they were all cute.