Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dazzling Detailing

Nathan and I cleaned the inside of the car. I mean really cleaned the inside of the car. An almost two year old kid really does a number on a backseat. Muddy, wet, snowy shoes dripping on the seat. Straws flinging whatever it is he's drinking all over the backs of the seats and windows. Nathan had a good time helping me until something better came along. He had another rendezvous with Katie today. Katie and her grandma walked by and caught Nathan's attention. It is so funny to watch how shy, but happy he gets when he first sees her. He always stops in his tracks and looks down with a huge grin on his face. After about 10 seconds of shyness, they play together like they go way back. A truck drove by and Katie pointed to it and said truck. Nathan told her it was a white truck then they went back and forth talking about the truck. Then they ran around together as Nathan yelled his signature line, "run fast." When they have to say their good-byes, Nathan stands and watches as she walks away. It's so sad. Or maybe it's not, maybe he's just checking her out. The more I think about it, the more I realize it's the latter, considering Steve is his daddy. Ask me about the story of Steve in Budapest some time. I've got lots of stories like it, but that one just happens to be the funniest.
Nathan made sure my seats got triple treated with leather cleaner by running around the yard, then jumping back in the car over and over.   
No lack of surprises when you start up the car after Nathan's been in the front seat.

Big Boy Bed Update:
I knew if we gave the big boy bed another try it would be a success. We have had two uneventful, drama-free nights in a row. He woke up the first morning at 8 a.m. and came in and told me to get up, but the second morning he just went straight out to the living room and began playing with his cars all by himself. Mr. Independent. I always tell him how proud I am for him sleeping all night in his big boy bed and he just smiles and says "bee boy bed." 

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