Lucky for us, Ms. Kim was snowed in and couldn't make it today, so we had a different teacher. She was very cool and laid back and held the entire class in the big gym. She set up various mats all over the floor for the kids to climb on. I started to rethink my plan of quitting during today's class. I asked the new teacher which other classes she taught and at what times, but she teaches the next class up. So, that's the end of Nathan's gymnastics career. At least temporarily.
Nathan was so well-behaved and had such a good time. He even behaved during the parachute game, which he normally hates. Probably because the parachute game only lasted five minutes rather than the usual 15-20 minutes.
Talking and playing with other kids was even allowed.
Normally, the mats are off limits. How stupid is that? No playing on the mats in gymnastics.
They played chase the hula-hoop. The teacher rolls it across the floor and the kids chase it and bring it back to her. It's basically the game of fetch, but with a hula-hoop. Nathan absolutely loved it. Looks like we're heading to Walmart later to buy a hula-hoop.
Waiting patiently for his stamps.
Nathan was actually tired after today's class. I usually have to take him to the park to burn off his energy after gymnastics. He came right home and said, "seep, bee boy bed." And that's the last I've heard from him!
I guess Nathan needs to come back to Georgia.