Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend With Oma and Opa

There is no denying the fact that when grandparents are present, then most likely, Steve and I are not. Oma and Opa came out for a visit over the weekend, thus allowing Steve and me to enjoy our weekend without Nate. Not that it's not fun hanging out with Nathan nonstop, but it's just nice to get away every once in a while. Steve and I took full advantage of Oma and Opa during their visit.

This is Nathan on the way to story time at Borders on Friday morning. Normally, he doesn't eat Cheetos for breakfast, but he saw them in the car from the day before and thought that he needed a few on the way. 
Oma and Opa joined us for story time. I'm sure that was a story time Oma won't soon forget. Yikes!!!
Friday night, Steve and I had a squadron formal to attend at Mount Rushmore. We spent the night and left Nathan with Oma and Opa. They went to Ruby Tuesday and had a great time playing and hanging out.

As Nathan was busy entertaining Oma and Opa, Steve and I were enjoying our time away. Unfortunately, Steve can't keep his eyes open for a picture so we don't have a decent picture to share. Out of about 12 attempts at getting a good shot during the night, these (and many other shut eye pictures) are all we ended up with.
The one picture where Steve's eyes are open, I'm not paying attention. Go figure.
Don't worry, Lady, we got a professional picture done, too. (Lady has a rule that when her kids are dressed up, she better have a picture.) Hopefully, they turned out better than these. No guarantees, though.
During Steve's deployment, he picked up the name Big Bear. To make a long story short, some sergeant kept mistaking his call sign Pigpen for Big Bear so it stuck. There is a song that is very fitting for Steve during his deployment, with the lyrics, "He's Big Bear, He don't take no guff..." Of course, they played the Big Bear song and the dance floor cleared off for Steve to show everyone what he's made of. Let me just say that it wasn't a pretty sight, but it sure was a funny one. Here we are dancing (if it can be called that) for everyone to see. I think people were actually worried for my safety as Steve slung me around the dance floor and trampled my feet.

We went home the next day to find a cheery little Nathan. So later that night we made the most of having babysitters again and went to Deadwood for dinner at Jake's, followed by a little gambling. We made sure Oma and Opa got their fill of Nathan until next month. We're definitely good at sharing Nathan when his grandparents are around.
Chowing down on some "ununs" with Oma.
Nathan's not a huge fan of sharing his onions, so it's a pretty big deal that he's feeding them to Oma. I'm sure Oma loves the onions just as much as Nathan.
I wish I had more stories and pictures to share, but like I said, Steve and I were negligent parents over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I heard the Big Bear story already as well as the one about a chief chasing Steve into the bathroom for not having his shirt tucked in. We've got some TBirds down at my base for a class.
